Virtual Tours
The JHF has a library of outstanding virtual tours covering a wide range of fascinating topics, presented by various experts in their fields (see the full list below).
The price is R100 per tour. For orders of 5 or more, we are offering a 20% discount (i.e. R80 per video).
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Herbert Baker – Man of Kent to Architect of Empire
Name of Tour
Herbert Baker – Man of Kent to Architect of Empire
Type of Tour
Virtual Tour
Saturday 25th June 2022
Time and Duration
14h00 (2 Hours)
R60 for members, R100 for non-members
Max. People
80 People
Camilla Baker repeats (with embellishments) her thoroughly enjoyable talk about her great-grandfather, Sir Herbert Baker.
Earlier this year, Camilla was in Johannesburg and entertained us as part of a special tour of Villa Arcadia. Unfortunately, numbers were limited at the time and we had so many requests that Camilla graciously agreed to repeat the talk virtually once she returned home to Owletts, the Baker family home in Kent.
In this unique presentation, Camilla includes family portraits and rare photographs of Owletts, the home in which Sir Herbert grew up and to which he returned after his time in South Africa. He died at Owletts in 1946. The talk will also include slides of many of his very fine buildings in South Africa, India and London.
Camilla Baker
Registered Tour Guide
Contact Number
060 813 3239
Meeting Place
In the comfort of your home
Special Notes
When you pay you get sent the zoom code