Joburg’s Decay Continues as Rotunda is stripped

More bad news for Joburg’s vulnerable heritage!

In addition to the appalling state of the Johannesburg Art Gallery (as reported on Carte Blanche) and the illegal demolition of the Crown Mines headquarters by a developer, we have now learned that the iconic Rotunda building next to Park Station has been completely stripped.

As noted by Kathy Munro, vice-chair of the JHF: “The Rotunda near the station is in total ruin – gaping holes in the walls, copper roof totally stripped. Nothing left to save. Incredibly disheartening.”

Constructed in 1962/3, the Rotunda was designed by Kennedy, Furner, Irvine-Smith and Joubert. A total of 18 tons of copper was used to create the distinctive roof, which is now but a memory.

A full heritage report from our archives can be viewed below.

2 thoughts on “Joburg’s Decay Continues as Rotunda is stripped”

  1. A tragic symbol of the corruption and incompetence of this government. “Johannesburg – A Third World African City”…😡

  2. The past thirty years has just been going backward with the incompetent government. That which they boast about is absolutely nothing but what is expected of any government. The decay and wrote is a shame. We’ve lost 30 years. They’ve destroyed instead of building the infrastructure. There are no words to describe my disgust.

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