After many months of hard work, the Friends of Johannesburg Cemeteries (FOJC) has completed their restoration of the Ash Walls at Braamfontein Cemeteries, which were heartlessly vandalised in mid-2023. Sincere thanks go out to the entire FOJC team, Joburg City Parks, and everyone who supported this enormous project by donating their time and/or money. We are gratified that the sanctity of the cemetery has been restored and welcome the additional security patrols that will prevent this kind of appalling vandalism from happening again.
For more information on the FOJC and the important work they do, follow them on Facebook:
Here are some links to media coverage of the Ash Walls Project:
- https://www.Rosebank Killarney Gazette: johannesburg-city-parks-and-zoo-friends-of-johannesburg-cemeteries-worked-tirelessly-to-restore-braamfontein-cemetery-ash-walls