
Carte Blanche Investigates the Joburg Art Gallery (JAG)

The Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG) has been in a sorry state for a long time, and the situation is only getting worse. Carte Blanche investigates the ‘art of neglect’ featuring interviews with JHF Chairperson, Flo Bird, and heritage architect and JHF member, Brian McKechnie. Originally broadcast on 15 January 2023.

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Joburg’s Decay Continues as Rotunda is stripped

More bad news for Joburg’s vulnerable heritage! In addition to the appalling state of the Johannesburg Art Gallery (as reported on Carte Blanche) and the illegal demolition of the Crown Mines headquarters by a developer, we have now learned that the iconic Rotunda building next to Park Station has been completely stripped. As noted by

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Outrage at illegal demolition of Crown Mines Offices

We have just learned that the old Crown Mines Head Office, with its landmark assay chimney, has been illegally demolished. A declared National Monument (now a Provincial Heritage site) this was one of the most significant mining elements in the City of Johannesburg. Standing just west of the M1 and the M2 intersection, bounded by

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Restoration of Stewart Drive’s Stonework

As part of the JHF’s on-going Restoration Programme, we are proud to announce that the stonework along beautiful Stewart Drive has been stabilised and repaired. Funded by the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation, this was a collaborative effort with Mayat Hart Architects, local activist Richard Holden, City Parks (who developed Stewart Drive Park and installed playground equipment)

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